Below you'll find some important information about being a student at P.S. 18Q!
Getting Set Up...
All students will be using the student accounts.
Your student ID is your username followed by
For example, if your username is JaneD, your student account ID is
If you are unsure of your NYC username, please check with your teacher.
If you don't remember your password or never set up your account, you can go to:
Here, you'll find information on how to get access to your account. You will need your 9-digit Student ID (OSIS) number​.

NYCDOE Information on Digital Learning
Use these quick links to information and important sites for getting started:​

Science/STEAM Lab
1. Please visit:
2. Select District Name (exactly as seen): New York City Dept of Ed, 10007
3. Type in one of the user names and passwords below:
User Name and Password
Kindergarten User Name: kinder
Password: ABC12345
1st Grade User Name: first
Password: ABC12345
2nd Grade User Name: second
Password: ABC12345
3rd Grade User Name: third
Password: ABC12345
4th Grade User Name: fourth
Password: ABC12345
5th Grade User Name: fifth
Password: ABC12345
Please note: If you select the incorrect NYC District, the log-in information will not work!